5 Ways to Get Through Writer’s Block or Content Marketing Fatigue – The Buffer Blog

Always love what the Buffer team has to say about writing and the creative process- and how it intersects with social media and content marketing. If you’re blocked, or just a swift (but friendly) kick in the rear, this article is for you.

5 Ways to Get Through Writer’s Block or Content Marketing Fatigue – The Buffer Blog.

21 Ways Copywriting Matters for Your Small Business

21 Ways a Copywriter Can Help a Small Business » SEO Copywriting.

I’ve often wondered how to explain the importance of quality copywriting and this article sums it up beautifully. Bravo, Mike Sansone!

One of the most frustrating things for a talented writer anywhere to hear from a client, especially cash-strapped small business owners, is “But I already know how to write. Why should I pay you to do it?” If we are being honest, we could answer that most people don’t know how to write correctly or effectively- and bad content or cringe-worthy writing will have a huge effect on your bottom line.

Sure, you can shoot off an email or mail a letter to a friend, but when it comes to the effects words- both the right and wrong ones- can have on your business, why gamble? A good writer knows the tricks to writing engaging content (which includes more psychology and marketing know-how than you would first imagine), the industry standards good copy must adhere to, and quite frankly how not to be laughed out of the (chat)room for grammar mistakes.

Prodigal Child

Hello, old friends. So after being gone close to a year, I’m back. Marriage, moving, and a new job pretty much took over for a while, eating my time and energy. But now I’m back and ready to start getting some great content back out there- at least once a week if not more. Stay tuned to see what will be coming out soon!

Four Features to Publish Your Poems

Great to know for an aspiring poet.

WordPress.com News

Earlier today, we kicked off National Poetry Writing Month, also known as NaPoWriMo. Since you’ll be writing a poem each day, here are four easy-to-use features in your Post Editor to help with publishing your poetry.


When you format your poems, consider blockquotes to call out bits of text. You can display text in a blockquote by placing it inside <blockquote> and </blockquote> tags in your Text Editor, or by clicking the blockquote button in your Visual Editor:


Here’s an example of how text is displayed in a blockquote:

Sifting through my Camera Roll

thousands of images not posted online

I hunt through my library

see the outtakes

and rejects of my days

the stuff I’d felt wasn’t good enough to share

yet these are the photos

unshared, unfiltered

that really tell my stories

“Fragments on Time”

Preformatted text

You can also use preformatted text to distinguish text within…

View original post 373 more words

Moving Mountains (or just web addresses)

Hey guys! I’m thankful to have such loyal followers and I wanted to let you know what is going on in my life right now. 

In my quest to expand my client list (and pay the bills), I’ve been contacting local agencies and asking if they need help with overflow or backlogged jobs. And much to my chagrin no one was getting back to me and I could not fathom why. Until one lady was kind enough to point it out. And boy, did I feel naive when she explained why her company did not want to work with me. You see, it was because of Catalyst Media Solutions. While my husband and I were using Catalyst more as a front for our freelance work, to outsiders it looked like a rival agency….and that it looked like I was trying to get in with them in order to steal away clients.

Apparently this is a real phenomenon and it makes a whole lot of sense. This business is cut throat I tell you. So, my husband and I agreed to dissolve Catalyst as it exists and rebrand me so hopefully I can get some more work. If you would like to continue following me at my new site I am now at thegingersnap.net. All of my content has been ported over and I would love to see you there! It will still be all me, with a snazzy new look and the same great content. Come meet the Ginger!